Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sorry ladies...The Search Continues...

Well, hunting for a job is tiring business...especially in the UK... So many people, so little time... But at least the statistics can help to cheer me up...

Average UK Salary by Gender (hence the title =)

Average UK Salary by Number of Years Experience
mine =0 (note the smiley!)

Average UK Salary by Company Size (number of employees)

Average UK Salary by Employment Status

Average UK Salary by City

Average UK Salary by Industry

No peace of mind =(

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Even more concepts for Malaysia's RM5bil Mega tower!

The best RM5bil con yet!












Improve your interview skills here!

Objective of the interview

Things to prepare

At the Interview

Introducing yourself

Teamwork Skills

Technical skills


IT Questions

Hobby Questions

Ambition Questions

Money Questions

Fermi Questions

New Sexy, Slim and Hot!

Sexy is in town! I'm not talking Victoria's Secret nor am I talking Jessica Alba... I've got something, slim, something hot and something nice to touch!

If you think the coolest new hot sexy things are from Korea, Japan or China, think again!

Click on Babe to find out who's big! And who's the new BB in town!

*Hint hint it big!

PS: Miss my BB!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MSS Video Compilation! Day 1 - Day 6

This is a video compilation of My Selangor Story 2010!
Videos and pictures from Pentax!

Day 1
Firely, Penang International Airport, Subang Airport, Shah Alam, iCity and Uptown!

Day 2
Royal Selangor, Genting Highlands

Day 3
Chin Swee Temple, Kanching Forest Reserve, Kg Dorani Homestay, Sabak Bernam

Day 4
Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Hotel Suites

Day 5
Tropicana Medical Centre, Sunway Lagoon, Haven @ Ampang Lookout

Day 6
Sayonara! Back to London!

Thanks for watching and remember to vote 5 stars for me!

Win a BlackBerry Torch 9800 Smartphone from Celcom!

tching to get your hands on a BlackBerry Torch now? You’ve come to the right place, because Celcom is giving away 2 units to 2 lucky Nuffnangers! Rejoice! And then get your contest mojo on, because here’s what you need to do:

1. The contest runs from 19 October – 28 October 2010.
2. Write a blog post telling us what you love about the Blackberry Torch 9800, and also share the Celcom Exec 50 plan with your readers.
3. Every week, the most creative post for that week will win a BlackBerry Torch 9800 courtesy of Celcom!
4. Only one post per blogger will be considered a valid submission for the contest.

Visit this link for more information

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 13 Oct 25 Biggest Mistakes/Weakness/Regrets Questions

You have reached almost the second last post! With the last post being the most important one!

Okay, when has some interviewer made your life difficult by asking you this:

What is your greatest weakness or regret you ever had?

So you pause... scratch your head and look to the ceiling trying to think of something. Naturally, the average person will not have an answer at hand. So you will go:

"My weakness is that I drink a lot/like to party a lot/smell/get distracted easily/fall for hot interviewers, i have herpes...etc"

And the interviewer thinks *whoa.. i really did not have to know that... next!*

Well, the first thing to know is:

1) Stop and think! What comes out of your mouth cannot be swallowed back in so safe yourself the embarassment plus the job and read on!

I know that most UK companies will ask you this kind of questions. Instead of taking the chance, why not do something about it and prepare? If there is one way to answer those kind of questions, it would be:

2) Turn your weakness into something that you cannot control and that it is something you absolutely cannot do anything about!

So, taking the same question, you can answer:

My biggest weakness is that I do not have enough time and resources to do all the things I want. Even if i manaage my time well, my insatiable thirst for knowledge keeps me so occupied that I cannot really do all the things I aspire to do. Right now I am occupied with *such and such commitments*. I am hoping that in time, I will be able to complete *say learning another language* take time to visit *this and that factory* or take course in *some course you like*!

Now wouldn't that sound more professional and respected! you be the judge!

More interview skills
Objective of the interview
Things to prepare
At the Interview
Introducing yourself
Teamwork Skills
Technical skills
IT Questions
Hobby Questions
Ambition Questions
Money Questions
Fermi Questions

Stay tuned for the most important part of the interview: The last impression!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chapter 12 Oct 24 Fermi Questions

Well, this only applies for people who are into engineering, actuarial and finance. Fermi questions are defined as questions which involve estimation.

The power of estimation is indeed useful in the engineering field to simple calculations or checking whether an answer is sound or not. In actuarial sciences, one needs to be good at estimating cashflows and trends where as in finance, estimation is useful to make sure that you do not miss any zeros. As such, Fermi questions can be treated as order of magnitude questions.

If you are applying to any of those fields, you will most likely be asked to estimate some things so the best way to prepare is

1) Get a grip on the scale of things. You can do this mainly by grabbing numbers out of the things you read. Indeed, having a slight knowledge on the numbers in real life will be at your advantage against people who do not know.

For example, market capitalisation of Google is $200bil or the size of the earth is about 40,000km circumference. HOw about the power a lightbulb is about 40watts.

2) To really impress your interviewer, you must be able to also use these numbers in creative ways.

Instead of saying the US economy is worth $1 trillion, you can say, the US ecnomy is worth 5 times the market cap of Google, or instead of saying that the cables in this city sums up to 120,000km you can say that the amount of cables in this project can to 3 times around the Earth.

Not only does using Fermi approximations help you to picture your thoughts to someone, it also makes things more interesting in the conversation. No doubt, it is an important skill to keep!

Next up, how to answer interviewers when they ask what is the biggest mistake you ever made?

Objective of the interview

Things to prepare

At the Interview

Introducing yourself

Teamwork Skills

Technical skills


IT Questions

Hobby Questions

Ambition Questions

Money Questions

Fermi Questions

Weakness Questions

Chapter 11 Oct 23 Money Questions

Next up, what do you do at an interview when you are asked about money? To a person, it would be tempting to actually know how much you will be paid no? How about I love money eh??

Well, here is where most people fall flat! The first thing to do when you are asked about money in an interview is:

1) Do not negotiate a salary or ask about the starting pay etc! Even if it is tempting, do not make the mistake about asking for a raise before you get a job! Remember, your goal at the interview is to get the job, not to discuss your salary

So what should you do when you are faced with money questions?? Well, the key word to answering money questions without embarassing yourself would be "fair"

2) When asked about money, you should state that you will want to be compensated fairly according to your ability and achievements. This would most likely be the market rate for people in your same position, experience and qualifications or the local market rate!

This will give you room to go left and right without putting yourself into a corner, and show that you are willing to be responsible for your work and effort you put in!

Objective of the interview

Things to prepare

At the Interview

Introducing yourself

Teamwork Skills

Technical skills


IT Questions

Hobby Questions

Ambition Questions

Money Questions

Fermi Questions

Weakness Questions

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Malaysia's New Megatower Concept!








Friday, October 22, 2010

As Greek as it Gets

Last Tuesday, a group of us 4th year Chemical Engineers took the time to visit a Greek Restaurant called As Greek as it gets!
Located at Earl's Court, The restaurant is finely decorated with
1) A mini library (Probably about Greek myth and the credit crunch)
2) A really cool atlas of Greece (Ancient map)
3) Really nice tables and table ware:
But today was no ordinary day. Today was Ricky's Birthday! Say hello to the man! (The tall one)
As you ascend to a higher place, you will be greeted by the wall of spatulas! No joke:
One part of Greek cuisine was waiting for the food. The poor chef has to go hunt for your meat, plant, water grow and pick your vegetables and then get an army to cook it cause i had time to go back to get my camera! (I live 10 mins away)
Eventually, the food did come and it was a sight for sore eyes:
Calamari and tomato chicken!
Crispy roasted chicken and pitta bread! This one was delicous!
This is Khuz! With a rose!
He ordered a sharer's platter  which looked quite good! Chicken, lamb and cream! Topped with salad!
Nigel and Audrey! Happy graduation!
Ricky looks in hunger and wonders when is his food arriving!
This perculiar guy is Alok!

Yassin the Investment Banker Wannabe!

For drinks, we had orange juice and some sort of berry juice!
4th Year Chem Engers!
Finally, Happy Birthday Ricky!

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