Last Tuesday, a group of us 4th year Chemical Engineers took the time to visit a Greek Restaurant called As Greek as it gets!

Located at Earl's Court, The restaurant is finely decorated with
1) A mini library (Probably about Greek myth and the credit crunch)

2) A really cool atlas of Greece (Ancient map)

3) Really nice tables and table ware:

But today was no ordinary day. Today was Ricky's Birthday! Say hello to the man! (The tall one)

As you ascend to a higher place, you will be greeted by the wall of spatulas! No joke:

One part of Greek cuisine was waiting for the food. The poor chef has to go hunt for your meat, plant, water grow and pick your vegetables and then get an army to cook it cause i had time to go back to get my camera! (I live 10 mins away)
Eventually, the food did come and it was a sight for sore eyes:

Calamari and tomato chicken!

Crispy roasted chicken and pitta bread! This one was delicous!

This is Khuz! With a rose!

He ordered a sharer's platter which looked quite good! Chicken, lamb and cream! Topped with salad!

Nigel and Audrey! Happy graduation!

Ricky looks in hunger and wonders when is his food arriving!
This perculiar guy is Alok!
Yassin the Investment Banker Wannabe!

For drinks, we had orange juice and some sort of berry juice!

4th Year Chem Engers!
Finally, Happy Birthday Ricky!